Either I'm getting old, or global warming has caused the summer to evaporate right before our eyes. I can't believe another school year is already upon us. Seems like just yesturday, I was having a not so friendly meeting with the administration at my daughters' school.

I had tolerated so much unprofesssional behavior from her 1st grade teacher, until I just couldn't take it anymore. Two weeks before the school year ended, I called a meeting to let the principal know just how I felt. This 1st grade teacher was worse than a drill sergeant. Her disciplinary measures ranged from with holding water, to calling the children "babies" if they didn't respond the way she wanted them to. Yes you're reading this correctly! A first grade teacher bullies her children.

During the meeting, her immaturity and unprofessionalism drowned out the principals' wisdom. She yelled, and all but called the students liars when the vice-principal questioned them.

Long story short, Ms. "Wacko" is still teaching 1st grade. I hope this principal has a plan to get her to un-officially "hang" herself or get caught in the act this time. I know there's a lot of red tape to be cut when it comes to removing someone from a position, but something needs to be done about her...

Nonetheless, my kids are in XX elementary to stay. I know it's a good school- we've had too many positive experiences there to dismiss the overall effectiveness. I let the principal know that I had great expectations from the next teacher, and I refuse to wait until the end of the school year to voice my opinion again. No parent should feel uncomfortable about sending their child to school. If something bothers you, take the liberty to speak up for your child.

Here's looking forward to a great 2nd grade year....